What Are Pronouns? Why Do They Matter?

“Hi! My name is ____ and my pronouns are ____.” Pronouns.org offers ample practical resources and information to help you understand personal pronouns, how to share/ask/use pronouns, correct mistakes, and more!

Source: What Are Pronouns? Why Do They Matter? — Pronouns.org Resources on Personal Pronouns

Questo artista riesce a dare nuova vita alle anonime facciate degli edifici con affreschi monumentali

Immaginate di tornare a casa dopo una vacanza e non riuscire a riconoscere il vostro palazzo. Impossibile? Dopo aver visto le opere di questo artista francese non ne sarete più così certi……

Source: Questo artista riesce a dare nuova vita alle anonime facciate degli edifici con affreschi monumentali – Curioctopus.it

Unzipping Zipf’s law

In spite of decades of theorizing, the origins of Zipf’s law remain elusive. I propose that a Zipfian distribution straightforwardly follows from the interaction of syntax (word classes differing in class size) and semantics (words having to be sufficiently specific to be distinctive and sufficiently general to be reusable). These factors are independently motivated and well-established ingredients of a natural-language system. Using a computational model, it is shown that neither of these ingredients suffices to produce a Zipfian distribution on its own and that the results deviate from the Zipfian ideal only in the same way as natural language itself does.

Source: Unzipping Zipf’s law